Vicar “Eric” Valentine currently lives in Milford, DE, with his children, Isabella (15) and Barret (14), and their labradoodle, Frank (5). He co-parents his children with their mother, Hilary, who also resides in Milford.
With nearly 30 years of professional experience, Eric has specialized in sales, marketing, advertising, photography, and business development. He is known for his humanistic, results-driven leadership style, strong communication skills, and dynamic public speaking. He is also skilled in storytelling through photography, graphic design, video, and writing,
Since 2018, Eric has served as Director of Marketing and Government Affairs at American Manufacturing Co. Inc., leading sales and marketing efforts. He previously owned e3 Environmental Inc. and held leadership roles at Epiphany Studios Inc. and American Manufacturing Co.
In 2018, Eric sold e3 Environmental Inc. to focus on education and ministry. He earned a Master of Arts in Theology and Leadership from Gonzaga University, a B.S. in Psychology from Wilmington University, and an A.S. in Computer Information Systems from Strayer University. He is currently pursuing a Certificate in Lutheran Studies at United Lutheran Seminary, with an anticipated graduation in 2025. His formation includes Field Education at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Clinical Pastoral Education at Bayhealth Hospital.
Prior to serving as Interim Vicar at Rejoice Fellowship, Eric actively volunteered as a worship assistant and altar guild member at Reformation Lutheran Church in Milford. He continues to serve as a volunteer chaplain at Bayhealth Medical and Delaware Hospice.
In his spare time, Eric enjoys attending his children's baseball games and cross-country meets, as well as the occasional afternoon nap.
Tues to Thurs 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm